
Bali - Lobster Sunsets Edition

Yes, we just went white water rafting.

Yes, it was exhausting.

No, we are not yet done with this day.


Why scuttle back to one's villa when there is sunset to witness on Bali's stunning coastline? 

That's right.

If you've ever been within a metre of a tourist catalogue for Bali, you would have noticed that a seafood feast on the beach at sunset is one of its main attractions - queue white people grinning with their toes in the water with very much overpriced lobster tails in front of them. 

That shall now be us. 

We were very excited.

Moar taxi time. 

Excitement in action.

Taxi driver took us about a half hour away to Jimbaran Bay #inadvertentrhyme, where all the excellent cliché type of places were.

You had to time it well otherwise you missed this.

I can deal with this. 

Canang sari even on the sand. 

Sand castle moat!

My clique. 

We negotiated a table at the very front of one of the restaurants lining the beach front, and settled into another place for drinks and sunset-viewing.

Yes good. 


All the restaurants - and when the smoke started. It got really strong - smelled wonderfully of BBQ'd seafood but made your eyes water a bit. 


Yes I voluntarily hang out with them. 

Found the source of the smoke. Good Lord. 

Meanwhile, at our seafood feast...

Bowd found her inner 6 year old child and bought a laser light from the bloke selling silly things like that on the beach. 


It was a really strong laser - I ended up finding my inner shitty 15 year old and amused myself by shining the single beam onto the plates and glasses of neighbouring tables and chuckling at their bemused faces. 

I'm a terrible person. 

Also tried to get fancy with the camera shutter speed. 


Hell nope.


Idea: we could write something with the laser!

lol nope. 


Lobster, fish, clams...fabulous. 

Plus a serenade - great little group who took requests. After an excellent heavily-accented version of Hotel California, Bowd asked him to play their favourite song. 

It was Roy Orbison's Pretty Woman.

Yes, this news made my evening. 

Walking back to our taxi, slightly tipsy.


Is it bad that this is my fav photo from the entire trip?

Until next time, lovers.

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